There are 63 mathematicians whose last name begin with PERL.

Perl, Andreas Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel 1915
Perl, Erich Universität Königsberg 1911
Perl, Hannah Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2002
Perl, Idan Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 2018
Perl, Jürgen Freie Universität Berlin 1971
Perl, Martin Columbia University 1955
Perl, Sharon Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1992
Perl, Yehoshua Weizmann Institute of Science 1975
Perla, Jesse New York University 2013
Perla, Sreenivasa Reddy Visvesvaraya Technological University 2019
Perla, Subbaiah University of Rochester 1975
Perla-Menzala, Gustavo Brown University 1974
Perlat, Jean-Philippe Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - Paris VI 1998
Perlaza, Samir M. Télécom ParisTech 2011
Perles, Micha Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1964
Perlich, Claudia New York University 2006
Perlich, Lars Technische Universität Dresden 2019
Perlin, Alexander Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2001
Perlin, Irwin The University of Chicago 1935
Perlin, Kenneth New York University 1986
Perlin, Marc University of Florida 1989
Perlin, Mark Carnegie Mellon University 1991
Perlin, Mark City University of New York 1982
Perline, Kyle Cornell University 2017
Perline, Ronald University of California, Berkeley 1984
Perling, Markus Universität Kaiserslautern 2003
Perlis, Alan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950
Perlis, Alexander University of Arizona 2004
Perlis, Donald University of Rochester 1981
Perlis, Donald New York University 1972
Perlis, Robert Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1972
Perlis, Sam The University of Chicago 1938
Perli-Traverso, Roberto New York University 1995
Perlitz, Michael University of Maryland College Park 2003
Perlman, Adrienne The University of Iowa 1985
Perlman, David University of California, San Diego 1973
Perlman, Eric The Johns Hopkins University 2012
Perlman, Gary University of California, San Diego 1982
Perlman, Jacob University of Wisconsin-Madison 1926
Perlman, Mark Columbia University 1950
Perlman, Mark Stanford University 2021
Perlman, Michael Stanford University 1968
Perlman, Michael University of Notre Dame 2020
Perlman, Mirta University of California, Berkeley 1983
Perlman, Radia Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1988
Perlman, Richard Columbia University 1953
Perlman, Sanford Wayne State University 1972
Perlman, Selig University of Wisconsin-Madison 1915
Perlmutter, Keren Stanford University 1995
Perlmutter, Mathew University of California, Berkeley 1999
Perlmutter, Michael Purdue University 2016
Perlmutter, Nathan University of Oregon 2015
Perlmutter, Norman City University of New York 2013
Perlmutter, Paul University of Colorado at Boulder 1975
Perlmutter, Sharon Stanford University 1995
Perloff, Jeffrey University of California, Berkeley 1976
Perloff, Michael Stanford University 1978
Perlo-Freeman, Samuel University of Warwick 1996
Perlov, Yury Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1974
Perlovskaya, Tatiana Voronezh State University 2004
Perlow, Joseph Monash University 1981
Perlstadt, Marci University of California, Berkeley 1978
Perlstein, Dror Florida Institute of Technology 1990