There are 84 mathematicians whose last name begin with SSEV.
Sevacherian, Varm | ||
Ševarlić, Branislav | University of Belgrade | 1960 |
Sevastianova, Daria | State University of New York at Binghamton | 2007 |
Sevastyanov, Boris | Lomonosov Moscow State University | |
Sevastyanova, Elena | Voronezh State University | 1993 |
Sevcik, Kenneth | The University of Chicago | 1972 |
Ševčík, Jaroslav | The University of Edinburgh | |
Sevcovic, Daniel | Comenius University | 1993 |
Sevegnani, Michele | University of Glasgow | 2012 |
Sévely, Yves | Université de Toulouse | 1958 |
Seven, Ahmet | Northeastern University | 2005 |
Sevenhant, Bert | Limburgs Universitair Centrum | 2001 |
Sevenheck, Christian | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | 2003 |
Sevennec, Bruno | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | 1992 |
Sevenster, Maartje | Universiteit Leiden | 1997 |
Sevenster, Merlijn | Universiteit van Amsterdam | 2006 |
Sevenster, Pieter | Universiteit Leiden | 1961 |
Sever, Ali | Wichita State University | 1995 |
Sever, Can | University of Maryland College Park | 2019 |
Sever, Derya | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 2014 |
Severance, Malcolm | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1958 |
Severe, Sean | University of Oregon | 2011 |
Severens, Ivo | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 2005 |
Severgnini, Battista | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | 2010 |
Severi, Francesco | University of Turin | 1900 |
Severi, Paula | Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen | 1996 |
Severijns, Camillus | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 1992 |
Severin, Florian | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | 2021 |
Severin, Gregory | Voronezh State University | |
Severin, Jan Willem | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 1993 |
Severin, Juan | Technical University of Denmark | 1974 |
Severin, Martin | Technische Universität München | 2002 |
Severin, Thomas | Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt an der Oder | 1999 |
Severín, Daniel | Universidad de Buenos Aires | 2012 |
Severina, Tatiana | Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | 1973 |
Severini, Simone | University of Bristol | 2004 |
Severini, Thomas | The University of Chicago | 1987 |
Severino, Felipe | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2014 |
Severino, Michael | University of Montana | 2014 |
Severino, Ricardo | Instituto Superior Técnico | 2000 |
Severitt, Markus | Universität Bielefeld | 2010 |
Severn, Daniel | University of Waterloo | 2017 |
Severn, Edward | University of Toronto | 1984 |
Severn, R. | University of London | 1952 |
Severnini, Edson | University of California, Berkeley | 2013 |
Severo, Norman | Carnegie Mellon University | 1955 |
Severo, Uberlandio | Universidade Estadual de Campinas | 2007 |
Severov, Pavel | Voronezh State University | 2012 |
Severs, Christopher | Arizona State University | 2009 |
Severson, Alissa | Stanford University | 2021 |
Severson, Eric | University of California, Davis | 2021 |
Seveso, Marco | Università degli Studi di Milano | 2009 |
Sevestre, Gabriel | Université de Lorraine | 2021 |
Sevestre, Patrick | Université Pantheon-Sorbonne : Paris I | 1984 |
Şevgin, Sebaheddin | Yuzuncu Yil University | 2005 |
Sévi, Benoît | ||
Sevian, Armen | The University of North Carolina at Charlotte | 2003 |
Sevick, Jerry | Harvard University | 1952 |
Sevier, John | The University of North Carolina at Charlotte | 2019 |
Sevieri, Giacomo | Università degli Studi di Firenze | 2019 |
Sevieri, Giacomo | Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig | 2019 |
Sevigny, Maureen | University of Maryland College Park | 1995 |
Sevilgen, Fatih E. | Syracuse University | 2000 |
Sevilla, Alicia | Cornell University | 1980 |
Sevilla, Beatriz | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | 2016 |
Sevilla, David | Universidad de Cantabria | 2004 |
Sevilla, Jaypee | Harvard University | 1999 |
Sevilla, Michael | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2018 |
Sevilla Peris, Pablo | Universitat de València | 2001 |
Sevilla Sanz, Almudena | Brown University | 2004 |
Sevim, Volkan | The University of North Carolina at Charlotte | 2011 |
Sevimli, Eyüp | Marmara Üniversitesi | 2013 |
Sevin, Cyrille | 1999 | |
Sevinc, Ender | Middle East Technical University | 2009 |
Sevinc, Suleyman | University of Arizona | 1988 |
Sevincer, Abdullah | University of Nevada, Reno | 2013 |
Sevink, Geert | Technische Universiteit Delft | 1996 |
Seviora, Rudolph | University of Toronto | 1972 |
Sevost'yanov, Evgeny | Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | 2005 |
Sevrin, Alexander | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | 1988 |
Sevryuk, Mikhail | Lomonosov Moscow State University | 1988 |
Sevy, Jonathan | Drexel University | 1991 |
Sevyeri, Laya | Concordia University | 2023 |
Ssevviiri, David | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University | 2013 |