There are 17 mathematicians whose last name begin with ROK.

Rok, Alexandre Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 2019
Rökaeus, Karl Stockholm University 2009
Rokas, Konstantinos Princeton University 2009
Roke, David Lehigh University 2010
Röken, Christian Universidad de Granada 2020
Rokhlin, Vladimir Rice University 1983
Rokhlin, Vladimir Lomonosov Moscow State University 1947
Rokicki, Anna Wesleyan University 2005
Rokicki, Tomas Stanford University 1994
Rokkanen, Miikka Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014
Rokne, Jon University of Calgary 1970
Rokni Lamooki, Gholam University of Exeter 2003
Roko, Ilir Université de Genève 2006
Rokos, George Imperial College London 2014
Rokoš, Ondřej Czech Technical University in Prague 1994
Rokowska, Barbara Uniwersytet Wrocławski 1966
Roksvold, Jan Nyquist Universitetet i Tromsø – Norges arktiske universitet 2015