There are 88 mathematicians whose last name begin with PRES.

Pres, Joanna University College Dublin 2010
Presanis, Anne University of Cambridge 2011
Presa Sagué, Arturo St. Petersburg State University 1990
Presas Mata, Francisco Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2000
Prescher, Hans Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1981
Prescher, Hans Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg 1954
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda University of Waterloo 2010
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics 2010
Prescott, Albert University of Michigan 1846
Prescott, Charles California Institute of Technology 1966
Prescott, Edward Carnegie Mellon University 1967
Prescott, Edward The University of Chicago 1995
Prescott, James Harvard University 1964
Prescott, James Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2006
Prescott, Katherine University of Virginia 2000
Prescott, Richard University of Wisconsin-Madison 1987
Prescott, Timothy University of California, Los Angeles 2008
Prešern, Mateja University of Glasgow 2008
Presho, Michael University of Wyoming 2010
Presia, Heinz-Joachim Technische Universität Ilmenau 1961
Prešić, Marica University of Belgrade 1972
Prešić, Slaviša University of Belgrade 1963
Preskenis, Kenneth Brown University 1971
Preskenis, Piotr Bowling Green State University 1991
Preskill, Benjamin University of California, Berkeley 2015
Preskill, John Harvard University 1980
Preskitt, Brian University of California, San Diego 2018
Presler, Dwayne The Pennsylvania State University 1984
Presley, Matthew University of California, Los Angeles 1997
Presman, Ernst Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1968
Presmeg, Norma University of Cambridge 1985
Presnell, Brett Florida State University 1989
Presnell, Stuart University of Bristol 2004
Presno, María José Universidad de Oviedo 2001
Presotto, David University of California, Berkeley 1983
Presotto, Dennis Hasselt University 2017
Press, B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1999
Press, Frank Columbia University 1949
Press, S. James Stanford University 1964
Press, William California Institute of Technology 1972
Presseau, Annie Université de Montréal 1998
Presser, Gero Universität Dortmund 2002
Presser, Kimberly University of South Carolina 2000
Pressland, Matthew University of Bath 2015
Pressler, Franz Technische Universität Graz 1987
Pressley, Andrew University of Oxford 1980
Pressling, Nicola University of Leeds 2007
Pressman, Irwin Cornell University 1965
Pressman, Steven New School for Social Research 1983
Pressman, Walter New York University 1960
Presson, Angela University of California, Los Angeles 2007
Prest, Michael University of Leeds 1978
Prestel, Alexander Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 1966
Prestel, Marc Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - Paris VI 1980
Prestele, Clemens Universität Ulm 2007
Prestidge, George University of Keele 2024
Prestidge, Tim University of Cambridge 1999
Prestin, Jürgen Universität Rostock 1986
Prestini, Elena University of Maryland College Park 1976
Preston, Aaron Florida State University 2017
Preston, Alan Australian National University 1972
Preston, Bruce Princeton University 2003
Preston, Chris University of California, San Diego 1969
Preston, David University of Maryland College Park 1978
Preston, Donald University of Tennessee - Knoxville 1979
Preston, Dorothy North Carolina State University 1974
Preston, Gail
Preston, Gordon University of Oxford 1954
Preston, Ian University of Oxford 1989
Preston, Lee Harvard University 1958
Preston, Melvin University of Birmingham 1949
Preston, Norman Bowling Green State University 1999
Preston, Patricia University of Tennessee - Knoxville 1986
Preston, Ronald Indiana University 1997
Preston, Samuel Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 1894
Preston, Samuel Princeton University 1969
Preston, Simon University of Nottingham 2006
Preston, Stephen State University of New York at Stony Brook 2002
Preston, Vera University of Texas at Austin 1993
Preston, Jr., Lester North Carolina State University 1970
Preston, Jr., Richard University of Texas at Austin 1975
Preston (Prishepionok), Serge Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1979
Prestwich, Steven
Presura, Cristian Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 2003
Presură, Ileana University of Bucharest 2018
Presutti, Errico
Presutti, Valentina Università di Bologna 2006
Preszler, Jason University of Utah 2009