There are 88 mathematicians whose last name begin with PRES.
Pres, Joanna | University College Dublin | 2010 |
Presanis, Anne | University of Cambridge | 2011 |
Presa Sagué, Arturo | St. Petersburg State University | 1990 |
Presas Mata, Francisco | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 2000 |
Prescher, Hans | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | 1981 |
Prescher, Hans | Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg | 1954 |
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda | University of Waterloo | 2010 |
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics | 2010 |
Prescott, Albert | University of Michigan | 1846 |
Prescott, Charles | California Institute of Technology | 1966 |
Prescott, Edward | Carnegie Mellon University | 1967 |
Prescott, Edward | The University of Chicago | 1995 |
Prescott, James | Harvard University | 1964 |
Prescott, James | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2006 |
Prescott, Katherine | University of Virginia | 2000 |
Prescott, Richard | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1987 |
Prescott, Timothy | University of California, Los Angeles | 2008 |
Prešern, Mateja | University of Glasgow | 2008 |
Presho, Michael | University of Wyoming | 2010 |
Presia, Heinz-Joachim | Technische Universität Ilmenau | 1961 |
Prešić, Marica | University of Belgrade | 1972 |
Prešić, Slaviša | University of Belgrade | 1963 |
Preskenis, Kenneth | Brown University | 1971 |
Preskenis, Piotr | Bowling Green State University | 1991 |
Preskill, Benjamin | University of California, Berkeley | 2015 |
Preskill, John | Harvard University | 1980 |
Preskitt, Brian | University of California, San Diego | 2018 |
Presler, Dwayne | The Pennsylvania State University | 1984 |
Presley, Matthew | University of California, Los Angeles | 1997 |
Presman, Ernst | Steklov Institute of Mathematics | 1968 |
Presmeg, Norma | University of Cambridge | 1985 |
Presnell, Brett | Florida State University | 1989 |
Presnell, Stuart | University of Bristol | 2004 |
Presno, María José | Universidad de Oviedo | 2001 |
Presotto, David | University of California, Berkeley | 1983 |
Presotto, Dennis | Hasselt University | 2017 |
Press, B. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 1999 |
Press, Frank | Columbia University | 1949 |
Press, S. James | Stanford University | 1964 |
Press, William | California Institute of Technology | 1972 |
Presseau, Annie | Université de Montréal | 1998 |
Presser, Gero | Universität Dortmund | 2002 |
Presser, Kimberly | University of South Carolina | 2000 |
Pressland, Matthew | University of Bath | 2015 |
Pressler, Franz | Technische Universität Graz | 1987 |
Pressley, Andrew | University of Oxford | 1980 |
Pressling, Nicola | University of Leeds | 2007 |
Pressman, Irwin | Cornell University | 1965 |
Pressman, Steven | New School for Social Research | 1983 |
Pressman, Walter | New York University | 1960 |
Presson, Angela | University of California, Los Angeles | 2007 |
Prest, Michael | University of Leeds | 1978 |
Prestel, Alexander | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | 1966 |
Prestel, Marc | Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - Paris VI | 1980 |
Prestele, Clemens | Universität Ulm | 2007 |
Prestidge, George | University of Keele | 2024 |
Prestidge, Tim | University of Cambridge | 1999 |
Prestin, Jürgen | Universität Rostock | 1986 |
Prestini, Elena | University of Maryland College Park | 1976 |
Preston, Aaron | Florida State University | 2017 |
Preston, Alan | Australian National University | 1972 |
Preston, Bruce | Princeton University | 2003 |
Preston, Chris | University of California, San Diego | 1969 |
Preston, David | University of Maryland College Park | 1978 |
Preston, Donald | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | 1979 |
Preston, Dorothy | North Carolina State University | 1974 |
Preston, Gail | ||
Preston, Gordon | University of Oxford | 1954 |
Preston, Ian | University of Oxford | 1989 |
Preston, Lee | Harvard University | 1958 |
Preston, Melvin | University of Birmingham | 1949 |
Preston, Norman | Bowling Green State University | 1999 |
Preston, Patricia | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | 1986 |
Preston, Ronald | Indiana University | 1997 |
Preston, Samuel | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | 1894 |
Preston, Samuel | Princeton University | 1969 |
Preston, Simon | University of Nottingham | 2006 |
Preston, Stephen | State University of New York at Stony Brook | 2002 |
Preston, Vera | University of Texas at Austin | 1993 |
Preston, Jr., Lester | North Carolina State University | 1970 |
Preston, Jr., Richard | University of Texas at Austin | 1975 |
Preston (Prishepionok), Serge | Steklov Institute of Mathematics | 1979 |
Prestwich, Steven | ||
Presura, Cristian | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | 2003 |
Presură, Ileana | University of Bucharest | 2018 |
Presutti, Errico | ||
Presutti, Valentina | Università di Bologna | 2006 |
Preszler, Jason | University of Utah | 2009 |