There are 26 mathematicians whose last name begin with SVI.

Sviben, Zvonimir Universität Bielefeld 2018
Svidersky, Ilona The University of Iowa
Svidersky, Ilona The University of Iowa 2003
Svidersky, Oleg The University of Iowa 2002
Sviercoski, Rosangela University of Arizona 2004
Sviestins, Egils Stockholm University 1983
Svinicki, John University of Colorado at Boulder 1972
Svir, Irina Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics 2002
Svir, Irina Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics 1994
Sviridenko, Marina Lomonosov Moscow State University 1987
Sviridenko, Maxim
Sviridov, Alexander University of Pittsburgh 2011
Sviridov, Konstantin Novosibirsk State University 2011
Sviridov, Valentin Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics 1964
Sviridov, Valentin Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics 1973
Sviridov, Victor Voronezh State University 1986
Sviridova, Irina Ulyanovsk State University 1998
Sviridyuk, Georgiy St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University
Svirskii, Iosif Odesa University 1947
Svirsky, Janet The Johns Hopkins University 1985
Svirsky, Roman The Johns Hopkins University 1985
Svischuk, Marina Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1987
Svishcheva, Anastasia Emory University 2014
Svistun, Oksana Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1994
Svitak, Sylvia Adelphi University 1987
Svitkina, Zoya Cornell University 2007