There are 80 mathematicians whose last name begin with PUL.
Pula, Kyle | University of Denver | 2011 |
Pulaj, Jonad | Technische Universität Berlin | 2017 |
Pulapaka, Hari | University of Florida | 1995 |
Pulari, Subin | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur | 2024 |
Pulch, Roland | Technische Universität München | 2004 |
Pulchalska, Ewa | ||
Pulcini, Riccardo | Università degli Studi di Roma Tre | 2005 |
Pulcini, Riccardo | Università degli Studi di Roma Tre | |
Pulé, Joseph | University of Oxford | 1972 |
Pulemotov, Artem | Cornell University | 2009 |
Puleo, Gregory | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 2014 |
Puleri, Dorjan | Polytechnic Institute of New York University | 2010 |
Pulford, Graham | Australian National University | 1992 |
Pulgarín García, Antonio | Universidad de Extremadura | 2003 |
Puliatti, Carmelo | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 2019 |
Pulido, Javier | Princeton University | 1981 |
Pulido, Jesus | University of California, Davis | 2019 |
Pulido, Ricardo | Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CINVESTAV-IPN) | 1998 |
Pulido Herrera, Edith | Universitat Jaume I | 2009 |
Pulido Niño, Sergio | Cornell University | 2010 |
Pulikowski, Wojciech | Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences | 1973 |
Pulinchani, Anisha | Cochin University of Science and Technology | 2012 |
Pulita, Andrea | Università degli Studi di Padova | 2006 |
Pulita, Andrea | Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - Paris VI | 2006 |
Puliti, Gianluca | University of Notre Dame | 2012 |
Puliyambalath, Naushad | The Ohio State University | 2009 |
Pulizzotto, Ian | University of Michigan | 2001 |
Puljiz, Mate | University of Birmingham | 2017 |
Pulkina, Ludmila | ||
Pulkkinen, Seppo | Turun yliopisto | 2014 |
Pulkstenis, Erik | University of Pennsylvania | 1996 |
Pulkus, Jürgen | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | 1999 |
Pullagura, Koteswara | Nagarjuna University | 1994 |
Pullano, Frank | University of Virginia | 2000 |
Pulle, August | Universiteit Utrecht | 1906 |
Pullela, Mythravaruni | Indian Institute of Technology, Madras | 2017 |
Pullen, Andrew | University of Cambridge | 1988 |
Pullen, Ivan | The Open University | 2005 |
Pullen, Jeffrey | Tulane University | 2012 |
Pullen, Katherine | Stanford University | 2002 |
Puller, Steven | University of California, Berkeley | 2001 |
Pulles, C. | Technische Universiteit Delft | 1988 |
Pulles, Martinus | Universiteit Leiden | 1978 |
Pulleyblank, D. | ||
Pulleyblank, William | University of Waterloo | 1973 |
Pulley, Jr., Paul | Oklahoma State University | 1965 |
Pulleyn, Benjamin | 1657 | |
Pulli, Kari | University of Washington | 1997 |
Pulliam, Francis | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 1947 |
Pulliam, Juliet | Princeton University | 2007 |
Pulliam, Sylvia | Vanderbilt University | 1992 |
Pullin, Dale | ||
Pullin, David | University of Cambridge | 1977 |
Pullin, Jorge | Instituto Balseiro | 1989 |
Pullins, Mark | University of Colorado at Boulder | 2020 |
Pullman, Norman | Syracuse University | 1962 |
Pullonen-Raudvere, Pille | University of Tartu | 2024 |
Pullum, Geoffrey | University of London | 1976 |
Pullum, Thomas | The University of Chicago | 1971 |
Pullwitt, Daniel | Universität Leipzig | 2004 |
Pulman, Stephen G. | University of Essex | 1977 |
Pulmannová, Silvia | Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Sciences | 1968 |
Pulos, Guillermo | California Institute of Technology | 1994 |
Puls, Michael | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | 1995 |
Pulskamp, Richard | University of Cincinnati | 1988 |
Pulst, Ludwig | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | 2015 |
Pultar, Milan | Czech Technical University in Prague | 1981 |
Pultarova, Ivana | Czech Technical University | 2005 |
Pulte, Christopher | University of Cambridge | 2019 |
Pulte, Michael | University of Utah | 1985 |
Pultr, Ales | Charles University | 1964 |
Pultz, Joseph | The Ohio State University | 1996 |
Puluj, Johann | Universität Straßburg | 1876 |
Pulungan, Reza | Universität des Saarlandes | 2009 |
Pulver, Ann | The Johns Hopkins University | 1979 |
Pulver, Glen | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1956 |
Pulver, Simone | University of California, Berkeley | 2004 |
Pulverer, Klaus | University of Oxford | 1992 |
Pulvermüller, Elke | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | 2006 |
Pulvirenti, Mario |