There are 80 mathematicians whose last name begin with PUL.

Pula, Kyle University of Denver 2011
Pulaj, Jonad Technische Universität Berlin 2017
Pulapaka, Hari University of Florida 1995
Pulari, Subin Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 2024
Pulch, Roland Technische Universität München 2004
Pulchalska, Ewa
Pulcini, Riccardo Università degli Studi di Roma Tre 2005
Pulcini, Riccardo Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
Pulé, Joseph University of Oxford 1972
Pulemotov, Artem Cornell University 2009
Puleo, Gregory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2014
Puleri, Dorjan Polytechnic Institute of New York University 2010
Pulford, Graham Australian National University 1992
Pulgarín García, Antonio Universidad de Extremadura 2003
Puliatti, Carmelo Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2019
Pulido, Javier Princeton University 1981
Pulido, Jesus University of California, Davis 2019
Pulido, Ricardo Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CINVESTAV-IPN) 1998
Pulido Herrera, Edith Universitat Jaume I 2009
Pulido Niño, Sergio Cornell University 2010
Pulikowski, Wojciech Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences 1973
Pulinchani, Anisha Cochin University of Science and Technology 2012
Pulita, Andrea Università degli Studi di Padova 2006
Pulita, Andrea Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - Paris VI 2006
Puliti, Gianluca University of Notre Dame 2012
Puliyambalath, Naushad The Ohio State University 2009
Pulizzotto, Ian University of Michigan 2001
Puljiz, Mate University of Birmingham 2017
Pulkina, Ludmila
Pulkkinen, Seppo Turun yliopisto 2014
Pulkstenis, Erik University of Pennsylvania 1996
Pulkus, Jürgen Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 1999
Pullagura, Koteswara Nagarjuna University 1994
Pullano, Frank University of Virginia 2000
Pulle, August Universiteit Utrecht 1906
Pullela, Mythravaruni Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 2017
Pullen, Andrew University of Cambridge 1988
Pullen, Ivan The Open University 2005
Pullen, Jeffrey Tulane University 2012
Pullen, Katherine Stanford University 2002
Puller, Steven University of California, Berkeley 2001
Pulles, C. Technische Universiteit Delft 1988
Pulles, Martinus Universiteit Leiden 1978
Pulleyblank, D.
Pulleyblank, William University of Waterloo 1973
Pulley, Jr., Paul Oklahoma State University 1965
Pulleyn, Benjamin 1657
Pulli, Kari University of Washington 1997
Pulliam, Francis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1947
Pulliam, Juliet Princeton University 2007
Pulliam, Sylvia Vanderbilt University 1992
Pullin, Dale
Pullin, David University of Cambridge 1977
Pullin, Jorge Instituto Balseiro 1989
Pullins, Mark University of Colorado at Boulder 2020
Pullman, Norman Syracuse University 1962
Pullonen-Raudvere, Pille University of Tartu 2024
Pullum, Geoffrey University of London 1976
Pullum, Thomas The University of Chicago 1971
Pullwitt, Daniel Universität Leipzig 2004
Pulman, Stephen G. University of Essex 1977
Pulmannová, Silvia Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1968
Pulos, Guillermo California Institute of Technology 1994
Puls, Michael Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1995
Pulskamp, Richard University of Cincinnati 1988
Pulst, Ludwig Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg 2015
Pultar, Milan Czech Technical University in Prague 1981
Pultarova, Ivana Czech Technical University 2005
Pulte, Christopher University of Cambridge 2019
Pulte, Michael University of Utah 1985
Pultr, Ales Charles University 1964
Pultz, Joseph The Ohio State University 1996
Puluj, Johann Universität Straßburg 1876
Pulungan, Reza Universität des Saarlandes 2009
Pulver, Ann The Johns Hopkins University 1979
Pulver, Glen University of Wisconsin-Madison 1956
Pulver, Simone University of California, Berkeley 2004
Pulverer, Klaus University of Oxford 1992
Pulvermüller, Elke Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena 2006
Pulvirenti, Mario