There are 27 mathematicians whose last name begin with FEA.

Feamley, Jack Concordia University 2001
Feamster, Nick Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2005
Fearing, Paul University of British Columbia 2000
Fearing, Ronald Stanford University 1987
Fearn, David University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1979
Fearn, Dean University of California, Davis 1971
Fearn, Sam University of Durham 2018
Fearn, Thomas University College London 1975
Fearnhead, Paul University of Oxford 1998
Fearnley, Anne Université de Montréal 2007
Fearnley, David University of Oxford 1998
Fearnley, John University of Warwick 2010
Fearnley, Lawrence University of Utah 1959
Fearnley, Lawrence University of London 1970
Fearnley-Sander, Desmond Australian National University 1963
Feasel, Edward University of California, Berkeley 1994
Feat, Philippe Université de Rennes 1 1998
Featherstone, Allen Purdue University 1986
Featherstone, Helen Harvard University 1973
Featherstone, John University of Southern California 1970
Featherstonhaugh, Stephen State University of New York at Albany 2003
Feautrier, Paul Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - Paris VI 1968
Feaux, Charles Louisiana State University 1966
Féaux, Bernhard Joseph Königliche Theologische und Philosophische Akademie, Münster 1844
Féaux de Lacroix, Christian Universität zu Köln 1997
Feaver, Amy University of Colorado Boulder 2014
Feaver, Peter Harvard University 1990